IPM Associates' Texas ISD Consultation Program

If you want your ISD in compliance with the SPCS and want it to stay there, call on us.

The Structural Pest Control Service has stepped up its efforts to inspect all of the Texas Independent School Districts to assure compliance with the Texas Structural Pest Control Act, Article 135b-6, Section 4J, and Chapter 595, Section 595.11, of the Regulations. In the recent past, these inspections have resulted in numerous Notices of Violations and in some cases severe fines have been assessed.

IPM Associates, Inc. is offering a consulting program that will keep Texas ISDs in compliance with these rules and prepared for those inevitable inspections. If an inspection has already been conducted and it did not go well, we can assist you in rectifying any deficiencies.

For this program, IPMA will:

  1. Visit your facility to:
    1. Review and rewrite, if necessary, your written IPM Program to offer any suggestions on compliance
    2. Review and rewrite, if necessary, your written IPM Policy to offer any suggestions on compliance
    3. Visit with your IPM Coordinator to provide assistance with the required responsibilities of administering your IPM Program
    4. Assist your IPM Coordinator in establishing the Treatment Thresholds associated with all your facilities and developing the necessary monitoring programs to justify control strategies
    5. Review and assess your current pest management programs if you are using and outside vendor to assure compliance
    6. Review and assess the pest management programs using ISD employees
  2. Provide the necessary SPCS forms:
    1. SPCS License Examinations
    2. Pest Control Use records
    3. Treatment Notification Signage
    4. Pesticide Approval forms, i.e. Yellow List, Red List
    5. Emergency Waivers
    6. Incidental Use Fact Sheet for Schools
  3. Provide 6 hours of consultation to establish initial requirements of the Texas ISD IPM Consultation Program as listed in items 1 and 2 above

  4. Provide the "Approved Training Course" to qualify for Non-Commercial Certified Applicators License with the SPCS at 50% less than the normal fees for this course. Please see our Classroom Training Fee Schedule for the current standard pricing.
  5. Provide the SPCS License Exam Preparation Classes to assist in the acquisition of the q` Non-Commercial License at 50% less than the normal fees for these classes. Please see our Classroom Training Fee Schedule for the current standard pricing.
  6. Provide the annual requirements for Continuing Education Units at 50% less than the normal fees for these classes. Please see our Classroom Training Fee Schedule for the current standard pricing.
  7. Provide the SPCS approved IPM Coordinator Training Workshop to meet the requirements of Chapter 595, Section 595.11, Subsection (e), of the Regulations, of the Texas Structural Pest Control Act, Article 135b-6 at 50% less than the normal fees for these classes. Please see our Classroom Training Fee Schedule for the current standard pricing.
  8. Provide a presentation to your teachers and/or parents to inform them of their role in the IPM Program at 50% of the normal fees for these types of presentations plus total expense reimbursement. Please see our Classroom Training Fee Schedule for the current standard pricing.

Please note, the SPCS Approved Technician Training Course, SPCS License Exam Preparation Prep Classes, CEU Workshops and the IPM Coordinator Training Workshops are offered in Dallas and Grand Prairie. Any one of these courses can be offered to be conducted in your Region's Education Service Center if you request the training there and if you can guarantee at least 10 or more attendees.

These IPM Associates services are available at the following Fee Schedule:

Assistance, only with Items 1-3 -- $3500
Independent School Districts with 6 or less campuses the fee is $275 per month after an initial fee of $2500 for Items 1-3
Independent School Districts with 7 to 15 campuses the fee is $325 per month after an initial fee of $3000 for Items 1-3
Independent School Districts with 16 to 20 campuses the fee is $375 per month after an initial fee of $3500 for Items 1-3

Arrangements can be made for three monthly payments of the fee for the program where we assist with Items 1-3 only. Fees on the monthly program can be submitted on an annual basis for a 5% discount.

Innovative Pest Managment Associates, Inc. welcomes your inquiry. ~ Please direct to: .

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