Dr. Ray
Thompson, Ph.D. Entomologist
Thompson has been in the pest management industry for over 36 years
and is a Texas Certified Applicator of Pest Control, Termite Control, Structural
and Commodity Fumigation, and Lawn & Ornamental Weed Control.
He is also an approved provider by the Structural
Pest Control Service (TDA SPCS) for the Continuing Education Units
required for other Certified Applicators. He is also an approved provider
of the Technician Training Course required by the SPCS before
the Technician-Apprentice is allowed to test for the Technician License.
Dr. Thompson is also a Licensed Sanitarian by the state of Texas
Department of State Health Services (TSHS) and is a Certified Quality
Control Sanitarian with the American
Institute of Baking International.
Early on, Dr. Thompson completed
a Bachelor of Science in Zoology and Physical Education from the Eastern
New Mexico University, Portales, New Mexico in 1966. He received a Master
of Science (1972) and Ph.D. (1979) in Entomology from the University
of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas.
Dr. Thompson has
had 17 years in entomological research and demonstration work with the University
of Arkansas, University
of Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service, Texas A&M
AgriLife Extension Service and a private biological control company. In addition
to these experiences, Dr. Thompson has had 14 years in Urban Entomology,
starting as owner/operator of Dr. T's Pest Control Company for a year,
as Texas Region Technical Specialist for Terminix International
located in San Antonio, Texas for 5 years, and the Technical and Training
Director for the Bruce Terminix Company of Dallas for 8 years, which
is now a part of Terminix International.
Dr. Thompson has
written numerous articles with many being published in peer-refereed journals
such as The Journal of Economic Entomology, Coleopterist Society Bulletin,
Carabid Beetles, Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service Bulletins,
and Texas Agricultural Extension Service Bulletins.
Since 1996, Dr. Thompson
has devoted his professional career to the development of IPM Associates, a consulting
and educational firm for the Structural Pest Control Industry. Now, most of Dr.
Thompson's time is dedicated to IPM Associates clients, creating programs and development
of alternative treatment methods within Food Manufacturer Facilities.
Contact Dr. Thompson at his e-mail